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Streamlined Mobile
Application Development

Looking to build a prototype, beta mobile app, or full-featured enterprise app? Atigro has a start-to-finish development process, which enables you to realize your vision plus keep development time and costs low by using our extensive library of ready-to-use components.

Detailed Planning, Prebuilt Components and Long Term Support.

Cloud Ready

Over a dozen pre-built integrations allow your application to be integrated with cloud services with minimal custom coding.


Encryption, password management, and location tracking, among others, make sure your application meets security industry standards.


Subscription, product sales, and payment integrations will allow you to monetize your mobile application without a huge initial development cost.

Artificial intelligence

Advanced, proven AI modules based on Google’s Tensorflow and Pytorch provide image and document processing capabilities without reinventing the wheel.


User management, common backend features provide sophisticated controls to track and manage your application users.

Enterprise DevOps

For enterprise customers, we are ready to make our application part of your DevOps system with tested components.

“I’ve dreamed of launching this mobile app for years but the journey hasn’t been easy. It has been a game changer finally gaining Atigro’s app development experience after years of working with numerous developers. Atigro worked tirelessly to create an amazing product. They not only understood my vision but also challenged me to get more specific, be more agile and think broader to expand my dream. Atigro developed clear technical requirements and simplified wireframes to execute this project. Their team was instrumental in making my dream a reality and I’m truly appreciative of our interactions. From this great foundation, they developed a working prototype product that has resulted in successful user testing.”


Our process is designed to

Technologies we use







Our Approach

Step 01


Think through and prioritize the possibilities with a reality check on the difficulty of making the ideas work.
Step 01

Step 02


Document the goals, user experience needs, features, and technical requirements.
Step 02

Step 03


Build wireframes for each feature and function to optimize usability and validate technical requirements.
Step 03

Step 04


Agile approach: Build feature, test, and intentionally iterate to meet goals.
Step 04

Step 05


Make a plan for alpha, beta, and final releases improving along the way.
Step 05

Step 06


Create a clickable prototype and user testing plan.
Step 06

Step 07


Validate features and ease of use with actual users.
Step 07

Pre-Built, Tested Mobile App Function Library


  • Easily integrate to third-party APIs
  • Integrate with AWS S3, Google Drive, Google Docs, and Azure for cloud storage for images, videos, and documents
  • Collect and analyze usage data through integrations with Google Tag Manager, Analytics, and Data 360 integration
  • Allow users to send messages from your app through WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, and Slack
  • Provide customer service to users through chatbot integration
  • Communicate with Salesforce and Microsoft Dynamics Customer Relationship Managers (CRMS)
  • Integrate with Mobile Device Management (MDM) tools like Airwatc and MobileIron
  • Integrate with websites through CMS integration with Adobe SEM, WordPress, and Drupal

Ecommerce Modules

  • Manage subscription options
  • Integrate with Hybris, Magento, Oracle ATG, and WooCommerce platforms
  • Invoice processing with Stripe, Apple Pay, and Google Pay platforms
  • Checkout, discount, and other ecommerce features can be built into the app
  • Easy to manage product menus

Management and Security Components

  • Full-featured user management
  • Single Sign-On (SSO) Integration with Microsoft, Google, Facebook, and Twitter
  • SHA, MD5 Hashes, and other encryption libraries
  • Unique ID Generator
  • Password management
  • Email notification engine
  • Rules engine to easily setup automation
  • Impersonification of user accounts for customer service and troubleshooting
  • Device location tracking
  • Spreadsheet export

Artificial Intelligence Components

  • Image analysis
    • Object detection and counting
    • Object recognition
    • Detecting vehicle identifying information
    • Image classification
  • Textual analysis
    • Document OCR
    • Handwriting recognition
  • Advanced AI engines integration
    • Google Tensorflow
    • Pytorch

Enterprise DevOps Features

  • Continuous Delivery for mobile, android, iOS, machine learning, and backend services
  • Fast feedback setup for autotest scheduling
  • Private Docker registries
  • Machine learning integrated into DevOps
  • Robotic process automation 
Want to learn what it will take to create your app?
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